TNT Lexington has a dual focus.

1. It was started as a way for business professionals to affordably and effectively network with other business professionals.
2. The other focus of TNT is to work with our members to grow their internet presence without spending a dime, just a little time. We feel that relationships & reciprocity lead to referrals.

“You can have everything in life that you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” - Zig Ziglar

Talk Network Tuesdays (TNT) was developed by Jacob Bullock.  Dr. Jacob has been involved in numerous networking and business referral organizations in Lexington before launching TNT.

Noticing that most networking organizations were devoted to growing the group, not the business referrals, Dr. Jacob set out to change the game.

Each invidivual has the opportunity to promote their business and increase awareness within their local community.  TNT is a conduit for local businesses to come together. We offer education, best practices and opportunities.

TNT is not A “sell the group” networking group or a "what can I get?" group.  We are here to promote businesses through word of mouth referrals and group interaction.