What are the TNT Meeting Details:
We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Hosted by Bullock Family Chiropractic, 152 W. Zandale Drive Suite 101 in Lexington, Kentucky.
Each member & guest gives a 1 minute message talking about what a great referral is for them that week.
3 TNT members give a 7 minute presentation to the group. Telling us what great referrals would be, how to find them, how to bring them up in conversation and/or introducing us to an ETC (Enter The Conversation) letter that they have written to a prospective client “type”. The ETC letter is an article on TheLexingtonExperts.com, so other members can send an email link to a great prospect or post a link to it, on Facebook.
There is no charge to attend a TNT meeting as a visitor, so come visit to see if we are what you have been looking for.
Click here to register or see more details about our upcoming meetings. TNT Events Page